July 20th – 500 Squat Challenge!

We move forward.

and we need your help to do it.

Amatakers – After a really, really great, first Amatak Alley Cat team bicycle race last Sunday, we are how shifting gears fully into fundraising and the 500 Squat Challenge! We need your support to hit our target this month of $7,500! Without your participation, we will not be able to give you the gift, the gift… of pain. These funds help us stay operational (paying rent, keeping our staff employed and keeping the lights on, that’s about it right now), but if you really, really, really don’t want to do 500 air squats (I don’t, but I’m doing it anyway), there are other ways to participate (see below).

We have 4 days left, and we’re looking to get at least 100 participants from Cambodia and all over the world. It’s going to be fun, painful, but fun.

500 Squat Challenge

On Saturday July 24th we’ll be doing a 500 (air) Squat Challenge. This is a community event we are trying to make global – both online and in person.

Our Goal is 150 people globally joining in and raise $7,500 to help with salaries, rent and so we can be ready to open. We will have a “Zoom Booth” setup with a projector and camera so that those remoting in can connect with some of their Cambodia community.

Cost: $50/person

Yes, there is a cost, it’s a fundraiser after all. In addition, we’ll send you a special commemorative patch (iron on) so that when you recover your legs, you can stumble along with your memory on your bag or jacket.

More Info.



Support and… Corona Corps!

Amatakers and Amatak Supporters,

We have now been closed since 25 February, that is 27 normal workdays for us. I won’t lie, times are tough. Last year we were able to pull through on 2019’s success, using that cash to offset expenses during closures. 2020 was actually a good year, for when we were open, but we were closed 54 days last year so that allowed us to get by, but not fully recover.

This year is tougher. And with the current number of COVID cases continuing to rise, April is looking to be difficult as well. We are looking to raise $9,000 to cover our expenses through April, this will get us by with some other help already planned. This will go toward salaries and rent. We are committed to maintaining all our staff through the closure. We will be doing a few things in the coming weeks to support you all and hopefully bring in some more funds. In the meantime, we welcome direct support (see below). We are also continuing our Corona Corps WODS and will have some updates to that in the next week!

And also, BBQ (See below)

“No Go” Membership

What is it?

Essentially you’re just purchasing a membership that you’ll likely not use, but if we open in 2 weeks, you’re ready to go. Just go here to our sign-up page, sign up as usual for ANY membership and we’ll email you the invoice. You can pay by ABA or in cash 7-7 Mon – Fri.

What you get

Peace of mind, good karma, hugs from Sreymao, kisses from Tim (with a mask) and a free thank you coffee as well as the general feeling of knowing you will help us be here with the closure ends. And maybe, some leftover membership.

Purchase Merch

We have the awesome new shirts designed by Janny and we should have another surprise shirt in 2 weeks, I’m actually working on the design now and all I can say is, chocolate (and there is a tease at the bottom of this email).

Live Abroad?

Please email Corbett directly and we can work this out through Paypal, Wise (Transfer Wise) or other options.

Another Idea?

Have another idea? Email us at strong@crossfitamatak.com . All ideas are welcome!

We continue to do daily workouts, 6 times per week, with our coaches online. You can access through the dedicated Facebook Group, or if you’re not a FB user, through the YouTube channel. We post these the night before, and encourage you all to post up photos, scores and pained faces  ; )

We realize it’s hard to keep the motivation going at home, we’re the same way. But, talk with your partner, get them to join, maybe even convince your dog, it’s always easier, and more fun with someone else.

Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/AmatakCoronaCorps
YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCt7b2oeBSeyJ6zGsgHPzJCA


Corona Update 18 & Cafe News

Amatakers and Kettlebell Fans, we wanted to provide just a quick update.


Not a lot of news here. Cases in the city and nationally continue, more closures, more uncertainty. At this point I’m hoping we will be able to open up after Khmer New Year, but that is only if cases drop. So, I encourage you to lead by example – limit trips from home, keep a mask on when out, social distancing, hand washing and sanitizing. Only if we all do our part will we start to hit the curve down.

Kettlebell Café

As you may have noticed, we’ve been using this time to update our menu at the café. We’re bringing back a lot of the favorites from the early days developed by Chef Olivier. We’ll be refreshing more frequently as well. For this week, we’re doing 1 extra dish per day at a special price, the full new menu will debut on April 1st.

Ordering – Ordering directly through us is usually the best way. You can do this directly on our Facebook page or website. We will be making our return to Nham 24 soon but remember, food delivery services charge you the delivery fee and take 15-30% from the business. We see them as a necessary evil, convenient yes but definitely bad for the business unless we raise our prices.


Corona Update 17


We are still closed. I realize that many other gyms are open, but we feel, especially with the increase of cases, that the best thing is for us to remain closed. We will wait for new cases to reduce and/or guidance from the Ministry of Health (not sure when or if that will happen given the past year). We ask for your patience and support on this as we move forward.

Hold Policy Update

Everyone with a current membership, unless you requsted a no hold(thanks!), began as of 25 February. Membership holds will be extended on the following schedule. Note that we cannot extend beyond this for financial reasons, when we eventually open.

Monthly Memberships

Extended through 14 March (2.5 weeks total)

3 Month & 10 Pass Memberships

Extended through 21 March (3.5 weeks total)

6 Month Memberships

Hold extended through 28 March (4.5 weeks total) 
If you are financially in a good position and can help, the easiest thing is to request a no hold. When we eventually reopen, we will be in a tight cash position so every dollar counts.

Crossfit Open

The timing on this is obviously not good. We are currently assessing and will make an announcement by end of business on Thursday.

Corona Corps WODs

We are providing DAILY workouts designed so that you can do at home or with a small space.
YouTube Channel
Amatak Corona Corps Facebook Group


T-Shirt Anthology

We’re in the process of designing some new shirts and we started to think about what we have done over the years. The following images are a history of Amatak shirts and the people who gave them stories.

Download a PDF version.


Our Membership

People know one of my favorite things about Amatak is how diverse it is. I’ve lived and worked in Washington DC, Tokyo, Busan and spent a lot of time traveling or living for short times in Europe and throughout Asia– but this is the most diverse community I’ve ever been a part of.

So, I just ran through our current numbers and to even my surprise, found that we had even more diversity than I thought. As of right now, CrossFit Amatak has members from 33 countries!

#diversity #respect

– Corbett Hix




CrossFit Open 2016!

CrossFit Amatak is proud to have over 50 athletes participating in the 2016 CF Open! Here is a link to the Cambodia leaders board:



Expanded Schedule, Open Gym and new pricing

Amatak Ladies & Gents:
We have a lot of changes happening that we are excited to share with you. These will go into effect Monday 18 May. Let’s dive into it!

New Schedule

We’ve all noticed classed getting full, particularly during the Prime Time classes at 6:30AM and 5:30PM for CrossFit and the 4:45PM Bootcamp. To help address this, we’re adding additional sessions, and shifting a few others around. These changes will go into effect starting next week on Monday 18 May.



It’s a new year, welcome 2015!

Apologies for not posting up for ages but wow, we’ve been busy. We opened our doors in August and now have over 80 CrossFit and Bootcamp members and continue to grow. After a little break over the holidays, we’re ready to hit 2015 with passion and have a lot in store for the new year.
If you’ve not come by in a while, last month we got 6 new Concept2 rowers that we’ve been using like crazy. In the next few weeks we’ll be getting a restock of kettlebells and other goodies for our WODs. And yes, t-shirts are coming soon, we promise, like for real. Also a sign in front of the gym (we know).


Last, we are in the midst of a new project at Amatak, the Kettlebell Café. The café will be soft opening later this month and we’ll be introducing the best coffee in the Toul Tom Poung area along with amazing paleo breakfasts and lunches so you can complement your hard work with the right fuel. The menu is led by our in-house chef, Mr. Olivier Tho who commanded some top kitchens in Paris (we’re super lucky). Keep an eye out and we’ll be sharing more as things progress!

Wall Sit
And most importantly, thanks to all of our members who have made us such a great success since our opening. Without your support and dedication, we wouldn’t be where we are today. Watching you all train hard, improve, and achieve your goals is what keeps us getting out of bed each morning (especially for those 5:30am classes). We’re so proud of all of your great work this year and are excited to see what you can achieve in 2015!
As always, if you’ve not stopped by to check out the facilities, we always offer a free-trial on Saturdays. Come by, get a workout, and learn about the benefits of CrossFit Amatak.

Mike, Jenny & Corbett


On-Ramp Graduation & Next Sessions!

We’ve now had our doors open just over 2 weeks and on Friday we graduated our first group of On-Rampers into CrossFit! This puts us at over 20 CrossFitters and more joining up this next session. If you want to join, we still have space left. The next On-Ramp sessions will be starting:

  • Tuesday 26 August (2 Weeks, T/TH/SAT)
  • TENTATIVE: Tuesday 9 September (2 Weeks T/TH/SAT)

Space is limited so sign up and reserve your space now!

If you have questions please contact us and you can always register for our next free trial class on the Get Started page.


– Coach Corbett & Coach Mike

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