Amatakers –
We are still closed. I realize that many other gyms are open, but we feel, especially with the increase of cases, that the best thing is for us to remain closed. We will wait for new cases to reduce and/or guidance from the Ministry of Health (not sure when or if that will happen given the past year). We ask for your patience and support on this as we move forward.
Hold Policy Update
Everyone with a current membership, unless you requsted a no hold(thanks!), began as of 25 February. Membership holds will be extended on the following schedule. Note that we cannot extend beyond this for financial reasons, when we eventually open.
Monthly Memberships
Extended through 14 March (2.5 weeks total)
3 Month & 10 Pass Memberships
Extended through 21 March (3.5 weeks total)
6 Month Memberships
Hold extended through 28 March (4.5 weeks total)
If you are financially in a good position and can help, the easiest thing is to request a no hold. When we eventually reopen, we will be in a tight cash position so every dollar counts.
Crossfit Open
The timing on this is obviously not good. We are currently assessing and will make an announcement by end of business on Thursday.
Corona Corps WODs
We are providing DAILY workouts designed so that you can do at home or with a small space.
YouTube Channel
Amatak Corona Corps Facebook Group