9 August – 1st Trial Class

We are still finishing up construction and working on our website but today we opened our doors to the first bunch of new people for our first free trial class. These free trials will be a regular option for a while, offered on Saturday and occasionally a weekday evening. Thanks to everyone for showing up!


Guided Warmup Movement Introduction 8 Min. AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) 1 Round =

  1. 10 Air Squats
  2. 10 Burpees
  3. 10 Sit-ups

Cool Down & Mobility

What should I expect in the free trial?

Well, you should expect a workout first of all! But, you’ll also get an introduction to how CrossFit works, how we schedule and price our programs and what the difference is between CrossFit and Amatak Bootcamp. You’ll learn about the 10 Modalities of fitness how CrossFit focuses on these to provide a solid foundation in all of them– building up strength, agility, stamina, speed and pretty much everything else you need to exceed in fitness and everyday life. You can learn more about our programs here or feel free to contact us if you have questions or want to schedule a one on one assessment. Thanks to everyone who joined, we hope you had as much fun as we did! Oh, and to the person who left their sandwich at the gym, thanks, it was delicious. – Coach Corbett & Coach Mike